Frequently Asked Questions About Our Tests

How many times should the stool test be performed?

For the most accurate results with the Colonox FIT stool test, it is important to take multiple samples from each of the three stool specimens. Specifically, you should collect 2 samples from each of the three separate bowel movements, totaling 6 samples. This comprehensive sampling approach is designed to enhance the reliability of the test by increasing the likelihood of detecting any hidden blood in the stool, which can be an indicator of health conditions such as colorectal cancer.

Variability in stool can occur, and some conditions may only be detectable in certain samples. Therefore, gathering samples from multiple bowel movements ensures a more thorough examination and increases the chance of identifying any hidden blood that could signal underlying health problems.

Proper handling and submission of the samples are essential for accurate analysis. Ensure that you adhere to the guidelines for packaging and sending the samples to the testing facility to avoid any issues that could affect the results. This meticulous approach helps to ensure that the test provides a precise assessment of your colorectal health.

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