Smart wellness devices

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At Diagnox, we are developing a range of innovative urinalysis wellness tests for different applications that include:

kidey health

Kidney health 

liver health

Liver health

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Pregnancy wellness

general wellness icon

General wellness and fitness

The goal of these at-home tests is to improve accessibility to rapid screening for different health conditions from monitoring to ongoing care. We believe that by learning about our health better, we can make educated decisions about our health and seek appropriate medical attention when needed.  From saving unnecessary trips to doctors to seeking medical help when it's really needed, not only can we improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery but also receive timely medical diagnosis and care. We are achieving this by combining emerging AI technologies, including automated test reading using a smartphone and smart inference systems to open new avenues towards smart wellness devices that truly improve our quality of life.

AI-based smartphone urinalysis system

By collaborating with leading engineering and medical institutions, we have developed advanced AI-based image recognition algorithms for automated urinalysis test reading using a smartphone.
These algorithms combine cutting-edge image recognition techniques and first-of-their-kind calibration methods to capture and process dipstick images in at-home settings under various lighting conditions. Preliminary data indicate results that are significantly better than human test reading. We aim to commercialize these systems for at-home and clinical use as an affordable and technically superior alternative to expensive benchtop urinalysis machines.

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Oral wellness system

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Diagnox Oral Wellness System is an innovative approach to salivary screening, oral care, and overall wellness. Scientific data suggests that long-term acidity of saliva, the presence of bacteria, and inflammation are strong markers for an increased risk of periodontitis, gum diseases, and mouth infections. By combining conventional oral wellness screening with innovative algorithms that utilize data fusion, multi-input modeling, and AI-based inference, we are developing next-generation smart wellness systems that promote oral wellness.