Cranberries for UTI treatment of Dogs and Cats

Roma Kunde
Roma Kunde
August 16, 2023
min read
Technically reviewed by: 
Diagnox Staff
Cranberries for UTI treatment of Dogs and Cats

Cranberries, which have been a popular fruit since Roman times, remain a great favorite among humans, especially during the winter. In fact, they have been extensively studied for their health benefits, particularly against urinary tract infections (UTIs). But are they also beneficial for the extended members of our family, like our beloved dogs and cats.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about cranberries for animals and answer burning questions like, Can dogs have cranberries, Can dogs drink cranberry juice, Are cranberries part of the home remedies for UTI in cats, and more.

Why Are Cranberries Useful for UTIs?

Cranberries contain many beneficial components like ellagic acid, proanthocyanidins, and anthocyanins [1].

Proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins belong to a group of compounds called flavonoids, which are naturally occurring plant metabolites that have antioxidant properties. This means that they protect against cell damage caused by free radicals. Among these, anthocyanins have the strongest antioxidant abilities. They also have anti-inflammatory properties and can minimize allergic reactions [1].

Cranberries are beneficial for cats and dogs due to compounds like ellagic acid, proanthocyanidins, and anthocyanins, they possess anti-inflammatory properties, reducing allergies and promoting pet health.
Cranberries are beneficial for cats and dogs due to compounds like ellagic acid, proanthocyanidins, and anthocyanins, they possess anti-inflammatory properties, reducing allergies and promoting pet health.

Next, the bioflavonoid proanthocyanidin can strengthen the blood vessels, increase the amount of oxygen reaching the cells, and prevent the attachment of bacteria to the lining of your pet’s bladder. This is particularly effective against E. Coli, which is the most common cause of UTIs among dogs and cats [2].

Ellagic acid has also been found to kill cancer cells in lab studies. Other useful substances present in cranberries include [1]:

  • Dietary fiber and tannins, which protect against the growth of bacteria
  • Manganese and potassium, which promote growth and strong bones
  • Vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin E, which support a healthy immune system

Some studies have also shown that cranberries are effective in preventing UTIs in dogs. Furthermore, the compounds in cranberries can enhance bladder health and prevent the development of stones [2].

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Are Cranberries Safe for Dogs and Cats?

To answer the question, "Can dogs have cranberry juice?" posed at the start of the article, cranberries (both fresh and dried) are safe for dogs and cats to consume, but only in small amounts. This is because the juice and sauce forms especially contain a lot of sugar, which can upset their stomachs [3].

Cranberries are safe in small amount for dogs and cats, but avoid sugary juice and sauce. Watch out for toxic fruits, allergies, choking, and excessive consumption leading to bladder issues.
Cranberries are safe in small amount for dogs and cats, but avoid sugary juice and sauce. Watch out for toxic fruits, allergies, choking, and excessive consumption leading to bladder issues.

Another factor to beware of is that alcohol is toxic to your pets, so make sure the preparations don’t contain any cooking alcohols like rum or brandy. Cranberries may also be combined with other fruits like currants, raisins, and grapes, which are toxic to dogs. So, be sure to watch out for these as well. Additionally, make sure that your pet isn’t allergic to cranberries or that they don’t become a choking hazard, especially for smaller pets [3].

Remember that moderation is key, as feeding large amounts of cranberries can stimulate the development of stones in their bladders [3]. So, if you’re looking for natural remedies for UTI in dogs and cats, you can consider cranberry supplements used according to the recommended dose. However, cranberries cannot replace actual UTI medications for cats and dogs, so check with your vet for detailed guidance.

Try Petnox Urine Test Strips for Urinalysis

Petnox-10 is a newly introduced product containing urine test strips to check for UTIs in your pets at home. It’s not only simple, effective, and easy to use but also comes with basic instructions, a test kit, and a detailed explanation of how to interpret the results.

This can become a great way to keep tabs on your pets’ health at your convenience. You can also check out our blog for other useful and interesting information.

  1. Animal Wellness Staff, “Benefits of cranberries for animals,” Animal Wellness. Available online here  [Accessed August 3, 2023].
  2. Veterinary Practice News Staff, “Is cranberry effective for treating UTIs?” Veterinary Practice News. Available online here  [Accessed August 3, 2023].
  3. American Kennel Club Staff, “Can Dogs Eat Cranberries?” American Kennel Club. Available online here [Accessed August 3, 2023].
About the Author
Roma Kunde

Roma Kunde is a freelance content writer with a biotechnology and medical background. She has completed her B. Tech in Biotechnology and has a certificate in Clinical Research. She has 6 years of writing and editing experience in fields such as biomedical research, food/lifestyle, website content, marketing, and NGO services. She has written blog articles for websites related to construction chemicals, current affairs, marketing, medicine, and cosmetics.

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