Frequently Asked Questions About Our Tests

Can a high pH (alkaline) urine affect protein results?

A high pH (alkaline) urine can affect the accuracy of protein test results by potentially causing false-positive readings. Here’s how:

  • Alkaline Urine - Urine with a high pH can lead to false-positive results on protein test strips. This can happen if the urine is alkaline due to certain medications, a vegetarian diet, or if the urine sample is old and has been left standing for too long.
  • Prolonged Exposure - Leaving the test strip in the urine sample for too long can also cause a false-positive result. It’s important to follow the test instructions carefully to avoid this.
  • Cleaning Products - Residues from cleaning products used to clean the urine collection container can contaminate the sample, leading to inaccurate results, including false positives.
  • Medications and Substances - Certain medications or substances used in medical treatments can interfere with the test and cause false-positive results for protein in the urine.
  • Blood or Bilirubin in Urine - The presence of blood or high levels of bilirubin in the urine can also lead to a false-positive result on a protein test strip.

To minimize the risk of inaccurate results, it’s important to use a fresh urine sample, follow the test instructions precisely, and ensure that the urine collection container is clean and free of contaminants. If you suspect that any of these factors may have affected your test results, it’s advisable to repeat the test or consult with a healthcare provider.

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