Frequently Asked Questions About Our Tests

How should the urine sample be collected for testing?

To ensure accurate results from a urine test, it's important to follow these guidelines for proper sample collection:

  1. Use Clean Containers - Always use a clean, or ideally sterile, urine specimen container for collecting your sample. This practice helps prevent any contamination that could affect the accuracy of the test results. A clean container ensures that no external substances interfere with the composition of the urine sample.
  2. Clean Yourself - Before collecting the urine sample, thoroughly wash your hands and clean the genital area. This step is vital to remove any external contaminants that might otherwise mix with the urine and skew the results. Proper hygiene helps to ensure that the sample is as uncontaminated as possible.
  3. Collect Midstream Urine - For the most reliable results, collect the midstream portion of urine. Begin urinating and then, once the flow is steady, collect the urine midstream into the container. This technique minimizes the risk of including contaminants from the initial or final parts of the urine stream, which can affect the test outcomes.
  4. Test Quickly - Aim to perform the urine test as soon as possible after collecting the sample. Delays can cause changes in the urine's composition, such as alterations in pH or the breakdown of substances, which may impact the accuracy of the test results. Testing the sample promptly ensures that the results reflect the urine's condition at the time of collection.
  5. Avoid Cleaning Agents - Refrain from using cleaning agents or disinfectants in the area where the sample is collected. These substances can alter the urine’s chemical composition and potentially lead to false-positive or inaccurate results. Instead, ensure the collection area is clean but free from any chemicals that could interfere with the testing process.
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