Frequently Asked Questions About Our Tests

How soon should a urine sample be tested?

Ideally, a urine sample should be tested within 1 hour of collection. This immediate testing helps minimize the risk of changes in the sample's composition and bacterial growth, ensuring that the results reflect the true condition of the urine at the time of collection.

If immediate testing is not feasible, the sample can be stored for up to 2 hours. Beyond this period, decomposition and bacterial growth begin to significantly impact the accuracy of the test results. To prevent these issues, the sample should be refrigerated as soon as possible if it cannot be tested within the 1-hour window. Refrigeration slows down bacterial growth and helps preserve the sample’s integrity. When stored in the refrigerator, the urine sample should be tested within 24 hours to maintain accuracy.

Alternatively, if refrigeration is not immediately possible, treating the urine sample with a chemical preservative can be an effective solution. These preservatives are designed to inhibit bacterial growth and maintain the stability of the sample. The choice of preservative and its concentration should be based on the specific requirements of the test being performed.

Storing the urine sample at room temperature for extended periods is not recommended, as bacteria can rapidly multiply and decompose the sample. This decomposition can lead to inaccurate test results, affecting various parameters measured in the urine, such as pH, glucose, and protein levels. By following these guidelines for handling and storing urine samples, you can help ensure that test results are reliable and accurately reflect the urine’s condition at the time of collection.

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