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What do the 10 parameters test for and what do they mean?

The ten parameters tested with Urinox-10 urine test strips are as follows:

  1. Leukocytes: The detection of the white blood cells in urine suggests possible UTI.
  2. Nitrite: Screening for possible asymptomatic infections caused by nitrate-reducing bacteria.
  3. Urobilinogen: Possible liver disease or red blood cell breakdown.
  4. Protein: Screening for potential kidney and renal diseases. Protein in the urine is called proteinuria.
  5. pH: Measures the acidity in your urine which may be a symptom of kidney stones. The pH may change during the day going from more acidic in the morning to more alkaline in the evening.
  6. Blood: Blood in the urine is called hematuria. Several factors can cause hematuria, including UTIs, kidney infections, menstruation, and strenuous exercise.
  7. Ketone: Increased ketone level is a sign of insufficient insulin and is helpful in monitoring type 1 diabetes. It is also measured to monitor the ketosis metabolic state during the keto diet.
  8. Specific Gravity: Evaluates the body’s water/electrolyte balance (hydration) and urine concentration and helps evaluate kidney functions and possible kidney diseases.
  9. Bilirubin: The detection of Bilirubin in the urine is an early indication of liver disease. Bilirubin is the breakdown product of hemoglobin.
  10. Glucose: Glucose in the urine could indicate diabetes or renal glycosuria.

Refer to this blog to learn about urinalysis parameters.

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